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FAMILY. LEGACY. CRAFT. At ARTO Brick in Los Angeles, those traits are the hallmarks of their success. For more than 50 years, the family-run business has proudly handcrafted ceramic tiles that are a reflection of the founder’s love of the arts.

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Arto Alajian founded his eponymous business in 1966 after his circuitous route from Egypt to the U.S. His story is that of so many immigrants: vision, adversity, perseverance, love, and family. Born in Egypt to a hardworking refugee father, Arto trained in the arts and also learned to handcraft shoes in his father’s shoe factory. During the Egyptian revolution, he sought refuge in Beirut and then in North America, finally landing in Venice, California.

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In California, Arto first worked as a milkman but dedicated his precious spare time to crafting thin clay brick veneers that were lightweight and elegantly rustic. He sold the bricks to customers on his milk route, creating a demand that allowed him to launch his own business.

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We fell in love with ARTO Brick the moment we saw their beautiful tiles. Brothers Armen and Vod, Arto’s beloved sons, now carry on the family traditions and business. They are hardworking, fun, creative craftsmen who LOVE what they do. Armen says he’s inspired by the cultures, new ideas, dreams, food, and new ways of doing things that all coalesce around L.A. “As Frank Lloyd Wright said, ‘Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.’”

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ARTO supplies handcrafted ceramic tiles and “rustically elegant” concrete products to businesses around the world. You’ll find ARTO tiles in public, hospitality, and residential applications, including homes of the rich and famous. But they know how to keep a secret–they are discreet and maintain the privacy of those famous clients. What makes us happy? They’re all still made in the same factory in southern California where their father began. It’s a legacy worth celebrating.

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We invite you to visit the ARTO website and blog. There you’ll be able to see their full product line of absolutely gorgeous tiles and you’ll also get a taste of their lighthearted and family-oriented approach to business.

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Located in Wynwood, Miami? We invite you to contact us at our office:

310 NW 26 St. Suite A. Miami, FL 33127 |    USA
P:305-640-5005  |   Email: contact@brittocharette.com

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