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Thanks to monogram and their save room for design blog that currently features a q&a with jay and david. You can visit their informative blog and read the full piece here.
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In The Window, the fabulous UK design platform that we are so happy to be part of, shared our interactive sculpture, INTIQ Y KILLA, with readers.
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If you didn’t get a chance to visit us last year at Maison & Objet, INTIQ Y KILLA was a fun addition to our booth. It is inspired by Peruvian mythology and folklore and combines masculine (sun) and feminine (moon) elements. An elliptical metal base represents orbit and its reflective surface catches the light, making the sun and moon appear luminous. The orbs can pivot and rotate on their axes, enabling them to ignore or engage with each other, and the smooth glass sun provides a counterpoint to the textured “face” of the moon.
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Photo by FEC Photo
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I spy…We are also happy to see our WASI KINSA in the fantastic home of DDC’s Babak Hakakian. His residence is showcased in the current issue of Interior Design magazine and on page 81 you’ll see our very own KINSA getting top shelf treatment. You’ll find a link to the article here.
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Finally, a big thanks to editor extraordinaire, world traveler, and all around great guy, Drew Limsky for counting our handcrafted KINSA porcelain as one of his global treasures. Drew posted his collection on social media and it made us smile.
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photo courtesy of Drew Limsky
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Located in Wynwood, Miami? We invite you to contact us at our office:
310 NW 26 St. Suite A. Miami, FL 33127 | USA
P:305-640-5005 | Email: contact@brittocharette.com
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