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Principals David Charette and Jay Britto would like to thank the faculty, staff, and students of the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale for inviting them to attend the Senior Studio Presentations this year. Both principals have had the pleasure of participating on the panel of design experts—providing feedback and guidance to currently enrolled design students.

Jerome Gomez, professor and program coordinator for the Art Institute, says the event is a fantastic way for students to learn from professionals in the field. “The design experts we invite help our students to understand the relevance and implications of their designs. Our students really value the opinions and expertise of practicing designers and have expressed that the experts push them to think in new ways. The event is also a great way for students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to some of the design challenges they will face when working with clients.”

David Charette says that the Senior Studio is a wonderful way to give back to design students. “When I was in school, I always appreciated the help and guidance I received from professionals in the fields of architecture and interior design, so I enjoy being able to ‘give back’ by being part of the panel. It’s wonderful to be able to help future interior designers and it’s exciting to see what new ideas they are forming.”

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Want to get involved? Contact Jerome Gomez at: jegomez@aii.edu
Learn more about the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale here.

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