[vc_row][vc_column][mk_divider style=”padding_space” margin_top=”2″ margin_bottom=”2″][mk_title_box color=”#fc5a3a” size=”50″ line_height=”50″ font_weight=”900″ font_family=”Raleway” font_type=”google”]

27th Annual Festival of Chefs

[/mk_title_box][mk_image src=”https://www.brittocharette.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/easterSeals_MainShot-1.jpg” image_width=”857″ image_height=”570″ crop=”false” frame_style=”single_line” link=”http://www.easterseals.com/southflorida/get-involved/events/festival-of-chefs.html?referrer=http://brittocharette.tumblr.com/post/131163000221/help-us-help-easter-seals” target=”_blank”][mk_title_box size=”9″ line_height=”24″ font_weight=”normal” font_family=”Open+Sans” font_type=”google”]The FESTIVAL OF CHEFS event is a wonderful way to bring awareness to the special needs of many in our community. We applaud Easter Seals’ mission:
“Easter Seals South Florida provides exceptional services so that children and adults living with autism, Alzheimer’s and other disabilities can live, learn, work, and play in our community. We believe in full inclusion of people with disabilities and special needs in our South Florida community. We serve the individual and we support the family. We are committed to creating better opportunities for the people we serve to achieve lives of dignity, personal choice and full acceptance and respect in the community.”
Won’t you join Britto Charette in helping Easter Seals? Please consider becoming a sponsor or donating your products and services. You can purchase tickets to the November 4, 2015 event and read more about it here. Or contact Nicole Cheleotis for more information and to donate. [/mk_title_box][mk_title_box color=”#fc5a3a” line_height=”50″ font_weight=”900″ font_family=”Raleway” font_type=”google”]

More Information about it here.
