Yulian Monroy Visits Verona International Stone Trade Show
- By Margaret Charette
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Britto Charette interior designer Yulian Monroy at Grassi Pietre Quarry
If you’re an interior designer interested in natural stone, there’s one annual trade show that should be on your bucket list: MARMO+MAC. And this year, Britto Charette interior designer Yulian Monroy attended the event as a guest of the Italian Trade Agency.
Held annually in Verona, Italy, Marmo+Mac is a celebration of all things stone. The international exhibition features more than 1,500 vendors from 54 countries. The four-day event provides visitors the opportunity to see new products from manufacturers. A lecture series with an emphasis on educating attendees about stone materials and their application in design is also available. When you go, be sure to take Yulian’s advice and put on comfy shoes because MARMO+MAC is located in an expansive 800k+sqft exhibitor venue.

Speaker at MARMO+MAC lecture series
“Marmo+Mac was like travel to the center of the earth. Italians have a passion for natural stones, marbles, granite, limestone, and travertine. And they know the best use for every type of stone and how to bring it from the heart of the earth.”
--Yulian Monroy
Britto Charette interior designer
Yulian’s trip included exclusive visits to some of Italy’s marble and stone industry giants. Read on to learn about a few of the brands and products from the trade show that caught Yulian’s attention.

Stone wall and vases

“MARGRAF has one of the most complete stone processor factories I have seen,” Yulian said. “They have the ability to cut a massive stone block in 20 minutes in a regular production shine. They treat the slabs like precious stones from polishing to delivery. They also have a customization plant that allows architects and interior designers to create almost anything you can think of in marble or other natural stone. ”
Yulian also discovered that ARCA, one of our trusted vendors, is a MAGRAF client, meaning we’ve used some of their precious stones in our Britto Charette projects.

Yulian Monroy at MARMO+MAC
“MARMI STRADA had an absolutely impressive stand at the exposition. They combine different stones to create organic floor and wall designs that are truly unique. I was completely awed by their masterful stone working skills.”

MARMO+MAC exhibition hall with Marmi Strada
“We toured the natural quarry in Vincenza, where the masters at Grassi Pietre showed us how they extract material from the Pre-Alpi mountains. They produce incredible custom stone pieces for artists and designers.”

“This family-owned company specializes in custom glass walls and stone floor mosaics. They also create stunning frescoes. We are negotiating a possible collaboration with this studio for our Star Island project. Our client wants to explore the chance to have an authentic Italian floor mosaic in the old atrium so I was really excited to be able to meet with the artists and to see their work first-hand.

Floor mosaic at MARMO+MAC
“MARMO+MAC is the version of Salone del Mobile for stone, its trends and uses, and new products. As interior designers, we need to be on top of this market and what is on-trend. This will allow us to select the best material for our projects and to complete successful designs.
--Yulian Monroy
Britto Charette interior designer
Yulian shared that “It’s important for an interior designer to know the material that is being used in their designs–including the best use of every material (stone, in this case) before making your decision. Also, it’s important to know the treatments available for each stone and how that will impact their use. For example, marble has several treatments that can be used relative to the specific use you and your clients intend.”
The trade show also highlighted for Yulian and the other designers that “there are so many uses for the stones that are not just wall claddings or flooring. Stone can be used as foundations, as structural parts, claddings, decorative claddings, counter tops, decorative accessories, or furniture.”

MARMO+MAC; marble fireplace detail
Also Marmoc is the place to know stone artists, vendors , fabricators , trendiness in the market etc.
“It’s really important for designers to know and understand the materials they specify for projects. This information helps us help our clients understand the uses and how the design will be successful long term. Marmo+Mac provided me with a lot of information about natural stones and how we can use them in our projects—all information I shared with our entire design team. Also, Marmo+Mac is the place to meet stone artists, vendors, and fabricators and to really understand what is trending in the stone market and how we might use those products for our projects.

MARMO+MAC stone wall
Yulian, and all of us at Britto Charette, would like to thank the Italian Trade Agency for inviting him to attend Marmo+Mac. Special thanks to Valentina Perronne for her work in coordinating Yulian’s visit and to Gianni Simonelli of Natural Stone Service for conducting the fabulous tours.

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