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On October 25 th , principals Jay Britto and David Charette were invited to speak at the 5 th anniversary celebration of HOUZZ in Miami.

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Jay and David shared their design expertise and their love of all things HOUZZ. And they gave other designers and HOUZZ enthusiasts a rundown of how to harness the power of HOUZZ in their own businesses.

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With over 100k hits on HOUZZ, they’ve got their fingers on the pulse of how to make it work for your business, too. Here’s a bit of what they shared:

1. Photograph your projects—today.

2. Upload photos of your team smiling; it lets clients know you LOVE your work.

3. Respond to questions immediately.

4. Communicate 24 hours a day. Just glue that cell phone to your side.

5. Study the most-liked views to look for patterns, wide appeal.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients to review your business

7. Do ask clients how they heard about you.

8. Have redundancy in your social media.

9. Do the HOUZZ surveys!

10. Add SKETCH to your mobile.[/mk_title_box][mk_image src=”https://www.brittocharette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Jay-at-Houzz-Event.jpg” image_width=”2448″ image_height=”3264″ frame_style=”single_line” target=”_blank” crop=”false”][mk_title_box font_family=”none”]

Special thanks to HOUZZ for inviting Jay and David to speak. And a big shout-out to Daltile/Keysgranite Design Studio for hosting the wonderful event.

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Questions about how you can use HOUZZ to increase awareness of your brand? Visit HOUZZ at https://www.houzz.com/. Don’t forget to see what’s new at Britto Charette. Stop by our HOUZZ page at http://www.houzz.com/professionals/s/britto-charette/c/Miami–FL

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Located in Wynwood, Miami? We invite you to contact us at our office:

310 NW 26 St. Suite A. Miami, FL 33127 |    USA
P:305-640-5005  |   Email: contact@brittocharette.com
